April 21–25, 2014
On 21-25th April 2014 V Congress of Kazakhstani surgeons with international participants named “Innovative technologies in surgery” took place in the city of Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan). Outstanding specialists in the field of surgery from 40 countries including Russia, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, and Korea took part in it. The work of Congress was conducted in six subdivisions: cardiosurgery and interventional cardiology, thoracic surgery, thoracic-abdominal surgery, vascular surgery, reconstructive-plastic microsurgery, management in nurse business.
Professor Krasilnikov D.M., Head of Surgical Department #1 of Kazakhstani State Medical University, participated in the work of Congress. As a chairman, he held the satellite symposium “The use of local hemostasis means in operative surgery”, and he also made a report on “Reconstructive-reparative surgeries in gastrointestinal tract cases”.