April 15–19, 2014
On 15-19th April 2013 IV Congress of Kazakhstani surgeons with international participants named “New technologies in surgery” took place in the city of Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan). It was dedicated to the most important world achievements in medicine, new directions in diagnostics, treatment and prevention of surgical diseases, use of leading medical technologies in public health service, improvement of affordability and quality of surgical help for the population. The work of Congress was conducted in six subdivisions: esophagus and GI tract surgery, HPB (hepatopancreatobiliary) surgery and liver transplantation, reconstructive and plastic microsurgery, respiratory system and mediastinum surgery, vascular surgery and X-Ray endovascular surgery, cardiac surgery and interventional cardiology, cardiac transplantation. Professor Krasilnikov D.M., Head of a Surgical Department #1 of Kazakhstani State Medical University, participated in the work of Congress. As a co-chairman, he held the session of HPB (hepatopancreatobiliary) surgery and liver transplantation, and he also made a report on “Operative treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis and its complications”.